I Need More Guy Friends

August 31, 2008


A guy friend who’d say “Dude! What the fuck?” when he found out I was stalking the lucky chair at Crimson Shadow.

A guy friend who’d bust out his M16 and use me as target practice as I attempted to fit the outfit to my body type.

A guy friend who’d wrestle me to the ground to actively discourage me from leaving to take pictures of myself in public.

I don’t have many guy friends.

Searching for Inspiration

August 28, 2008

I’m still in research mode for my big Tetra redesign and I stumbled upon the Aqua Forest Aquarium site. Holy shit, are these magnificent or what? I have never wished to be a fish more then I did when browsing through their gallery.

I asked on Plurk yesterday for examples of amazing landscaping in SL and I thought I’d extend that request to the blog. So if you have any suggestions of sims, stores, or websites that you think show off landscape design in Second Life, post them in the comments.

EDIT: Check this one out.

What Type of Blogger am I?

August 27, 2008

I am not an egomaniac despite what this 20 m x 20 m billboard I built implies.

Daila asks “why do we blog?” and lists 6 possible reasons. So what type of blogger am I? I’m not totally sure, to be honest.

1. They treat their blog as a way to document their life, virtual or otherwise. – The Journal Blogger

35% – While I do use the blog to document what I do in SL, a lot of what I write is either exaggerated or completely made up. Or I’ll do things simply to be able to blog about them later. And this all results in a mostly inaccurate portrayal of my experiences.

2. They blog about a specific topic to spread their knowledge and/or opinion. – The Listen to Me Blogger

0% – I think it’s fairly obvious that I have no idea what I’m talking about most of the time. In fact, the only knowledge I could possibly expect people to glean from this drivel is how to be a buffoon.

3. They blog to work out their own issues. – The Are You There Blog, It’s Me Margaret Blogger

5% – Not really my thing. But I have gotten a little emo in the past.

4. They blog because they like to write. – The I can’t get published, so I Blog Blogger.

40% – I blog because I like to think that I may be entertaining and I write about things that make me laugh. Whether anyone actually finds what I do amusing or entertaining (or even readable), I just don’t know.

5. They blog to establish a social connection. – The No One Else Understands Me Blogger.

15% – I’d be lying if I claimed that I wasn’t hoping to develop social connections through this blog. It’s one of the reasons I started it.

6. They blog because their friends blog. – I Want One Too Blogger

5% – I blog because some of the people I admire blog. It looked fun, what can I say?

There you have it. A mostly serious blog post about blogging.

What a magical evening!

You see, I had heard the New Champagne Room was having their first anniversary ball tonight and I wanted to attend but I didn’t have anyone to go with!

So there I was, in my skybox, loading my supes into my aquarium when I came to Marlin Rouge. Bing! The light bulb went off. “Miss Marlin, would you like to attend the ball with me?” I asked nervously.

She nodded her fishy head, yes. Glee!

In a frenzy, I put on my nicest threads and TPed over to the “Room”. I believe we arrived just a little too late to be eligible for the best dressed couple contest or else I think we would have won for sure.

It was a brief but memorable evening. The New Champagne Room owners and staff were very gracious and open-minded in regards to inter-species dating.

So, thank you, ladies. Especially you, Miss Marlin.

Information Overload

August 26, 2008

Bone has official exceeded the number of internet apps then the man behind the avatar and we are both going a little bit crazy because of it.

To make matters worse, Spore is set to be released early next month, Wrath of the Lich King looms ominously in the distance and both threaten to consume me. Both mes.

So if you IM me and I collapse into the fetal position on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, don’t take it personally. My pea sized brain just can’t handle on more bit of information trying to burrow its way in.


August 24, 2008

Years ago I was obsessed with the freshwater fish keeping hobby. I consumed information off the web, posted opinions on enthusiast forums, and spent hundreds of dollars on equipment.

My Moby-Dick, the fish I spent hours trying to track down, was the eyeless Mexican tetra (a species used as evidence by both scientists and creationists to support their opposing theories.)

I’ve been browsing Wikipedia lately trying to find interesting and familiar varieties of tetras that I can create and use as 7 Seas custom catches at Tetra. These guys will definitely be the SuperUltraRare fish only because I never did get my hands on them and all must suffer with me.

What I loved about fish keeping was meticulously designing the self-contained environments themselves. Tiny glass boxes that lived. And this obscure direction is where I think I will be taking Tetra over the next few months.

Let’s see if I can pull it off.

Get Humped Postmortem

August 22, 2008

I didn’t take any pictures at Tymm‘s rez-day/”get humped” party last night so here’s one of a tiny Boner at CeN‘s birthday/”get humped” party instead.

Since I can’t be bothered to form any sort of structured post right now, here are some random observations regarding the evening:

  • I always thought it was tym-MER-ie. The way it’s actually pronounced is way better.
  • The party was “off the hook” as the kids these days say.
  • I almost bailed early (even typed it out in local chat but never hit enter.) My computer was on the verge of crashing and the shear number of people there was a bit overwhelming.
  • I’m glad I didn’t or else I would have never learned about furnitureporn.com (NSFW. Hot chair on chair action contained within.)
  • I had this idea of collecting plywood cubes from SL’s more accomplished residents in lieu of autographs. With Hamlet there, last night would have been a good to time to put this plan in action.
  • I didn’t put any plan in action last night. Did you?
  • I have been to parties where there was at least one published author in attendance. This was the first time I was at party with an author who’s book I actually read.
  • It occurred to me that I just may be part of the SL blogosphere now. That’s kind of weird.


It’s hard to tell, but I’m plurking on my sheep in this picture. Oh yah, I’m plurking all over it.

Hey, speaking of sheep, I kind of felt like one when I signed up to Plurk a couple of days ago. Everyone and their kitchen sink seems to have signed up and, as some of you know, I’m almost always late to the party.

I’m not quite sold yet. It seems that you need like friends and like a desire to be social and shit. Frankly, that seems like a little too much work to me.

Anyways, if you want up to the minute coverage of my bowel movements, I can be found on Plurk as boner.

I’m a manly man, man.

August 19, 2008

I received a free stamp card (thanks Meara) to do the Creators Stamp Rally promotion. Basically, you visit 20 stores and get your card stamped at each, then you can turn in the card for one of 20 free gifts.

After the whole dress fiasco, I have been concerned that my manliness was in question. To compensate, I am trying to decide between this manly man purse from Gritty Kitty and this macho tea set from Feather.

I ran into super-SLebrity Alicia Chenaux while on the rally. I was so nervous, but I decided to say ‘hi’. So I walked up to her and said, “Hi Miss Chenaux. I would like to say that I am a big fan of –” Then she kicked me and called me stalker! What an ice cold bitch that one is.

The highlight of the event for me was the stores themselves. Almost every one of them is worth a visit for the shear spectacle of the builds (SLURLs are on the CSR site). I particularly enjoyed the TANGRAM and minajunk.

I also picked up this sweet sheep from Vooner. When you click it it lets out a very unenthusiastic scream and drops a turd. Hilarious!

[EDIT – Okay. It seems that the SL blogosphere is about to go nuclear. So we’re all on the same page here, that stuff about Ali was completely fabricated to produce comedy gold. Weeell, okay. Technically she did kick me. And I suppose it’s true that she did call me a stalker. But, well, you see, I can explain and, well — oh shut the fuck up!]